Collective Investment Schemes

The new Swiss Law on Collective Investment Schemes introduced a variety of new company forms such as the

  • investment company with variable capital (SICAV);
  • limited partnership for collective investment; and
  • investment company with fixed capital (SICAF).

Our experienced Corporate Legal Services Team can assist in setting up the collective investment scheme of your choice. We also advise you on the most appropriate collective investment scheme to suit your circumstances, so that you do not need to spend time researching all available options.


We will provide an offer on a case by case basis depending level of and types of services you require. The fee may be given in the form of a fixed fee or if the work you instruct us to do is not appropriate for fixed fee charging we can bill on a time-spent basis.

How to order:

Please contact us by phone (+41 43 501 07 00) or email (L_hc__ecnailerssiws--redro) if you are interested in our collective investment scheme formation services.